4-Ingredient Protein Pancakes

Who here doesn’t love a nice stack of pillowy, tasty pancakes? 

If you said not you, you’re in denial, my friend. 

I wanted to find a gluten-free, dairy-free, protein-packed pancake recipe that was simple enough for this busy mom to make every morning. 

I have had several people suggest the 2-ingredient banana/egg pancake (1 banana + 2 eggs). While this recipe is nice and simple, it doesn’t give me the protein I need to hit my goal every day. 

Well, have no fear, my loves---I have found “it”.  The Holy Grail of protein pancakes.  Just the right amount of macros; just the right amount of ingredients; just the right amount of EASYNESS. 

[Cue angels singing]


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Servings: 1 huge stack just for YOU


  • 1 packet Pretty Fit vanilla whey protein (or approximately 30g of whatever protein powder you use)

  • 50g banana (around ½ of a medium one)

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/8 tsp baking powder


Heat pan over med/high heat. Smash the banana with a fork.  Add eggs and whisk together.  Add the protein powder and baking powder and stir to combine.  Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray.  Using an icecream scoop (or 1/8-1/4 cup measuring cup, depending on how big you like your cakes) spoon batter into pan. Flip when pancakes start to bubble. 

Top with literally anything.  Again, these are so macro-friendly that it leaves you room to play around with toppings…fruit, nuts, nut butter (because DUH, it goes on everything), agave, honey, pure maple syrup, coco whip…the list goes on and on. 

Try these babies out this weekend (or tomorrow!) and tell me they’re not life-changing. 
