Did you know that Americans gain an average of SEVEN POUNDS during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season? Not even kidding! That’s likely because a lot of people throw caution (and any healthy changes they’ve made) to the wind and eat themselves silly. But I’m here to tell you that DOESN’T have to be the case!
Picture Credit: 123RF
So how can we stay on track during the holidays, while not feeling deprived? Here are some of my top tips:
Load your plate up with whole, nutrient-dense foods first. You know I’m all about practicing moderation/balance, and the holidays are another good example of that. Lean proteins and fruits/veggies are going to fill you up without leaving you feeling heavy and lethargic. Then, if you’re still hungry, you can have a few bites of those special foods you love during the holidays (which, for me, is chicken and dumplings and fried okra). Just remember to stop eating when you’re satisfied - not when you’re stuffed like a tick!
Drink lots of water. We don’t realize just how much salt goes into those holidays meals…that is, until the end of the day when our rings are tight and we feel bloated. By drinking water throughout the day (aim for at least 64oz, but I tend to drink up to a gallon a day!), you’ll help flush out some of that sodium, which will help to minimize that unwanted puffiness. If you’re going to indulge in some cocktails or wine during these meals, try to chug a glass of water between drinks to keep you hydrated.
Move your body when you can. I’m not saying you need to run 5 miles or do a HIIT class every day to “negate” the calories you’ll be ingesting - that’s definitely not a healthy mindset! But just moving your body each day through gentle stretching, yoga, or a casual walk can not only help with digestion, but also give you a boost in both mood and energy.
Don’t stress! Holidays are about enjoying time with loved ones and making memories - not focusing on tracking macros, worrying about eating something out of your dietary “norm”, or weighing yourself. When you practice moderation and give yourself grace, you’ll find that you enjoy things a whole lot more!
I hope this helps some of you navigate the holidays with less stress, restriction, and fear. Let me know if you have any specific questions - I’m just a comment/email away! Merry Christmas and happy holidays, babes!